Pray To The Moon Clown
After watching the japanese movie, "Pray To The Moon Clown" i very interested with the story book mentioned inside. I cant find the story about it but maybe i can tell you. This movie is about a love story of a man and a woman. 41-year-old Tamai Shizuru and grandmother live together with his mother, one day Tamai Shizuru wants to buy a "pray to the moon clown" from a website, through book's note, she and the book seller begin their love story.
The storybook is like this. A clown has the ability to use the word to make nice poem. One day a swing prince asked the clown for help as he wanted to confess to a girl. Th clown used his ability to make nice poem and give to the prince. The prince was successfully in a relationship. So the clown was happy that his ability could help others people. Then, he continued using his ability to help others and give happiness to his surrounding people. One day, the clown him himself was in love with a girl. However, he could not use his ability again as he already used up and no idea to create new poem. He could just secretly watching the girl from the back. When he was having dinner with his friends, all his friends was in pairs and happy. He could just eat stroopwafel lonely and thinking about the girl. Losing the ability, the clown every night face the moon, and pray for the girl which he hope that the girl's life is full of happiness.After the clown continuously do so, the moon was touched by his act and fulfill his prayer. In the end, the girl live happily with the clown.

If you are interested with the movie, you can watch it online by typing 向月亮祈祷的小丑。Thank you.