
目前显示的是 2013的博文


爸爸,他的手掌有点粗,每天都皱着眉头,拖着疲惫的身躯,每天早出努力赚钱,每天晚归结束一天的活。他从来不埋怨, 可是家里的小孩却常常埋怨 , 讨厌他那凶恶的脸 , 讨厌他那么的严厉管教,讨厌他那么的忙。 爸爸,对不起。我们却从来都没为你着想你是那么的累。妈妈在家里选择了温柔的角色所以你只能选择那厉害的角色。在严厉的管教背后不知你为我们流了多少泪,有多么的心痛,多么地心疼当他将手上的藤编挥向我们,教育我们。 爸爸,我错了,我不应该对你大吼大叫,不应该埋怨你为我取的名字,不应该讨厌你每一次就只骂我打我。长大了,我才知道你以往所做的一切都是为了我好。我一点都不谅解你的良苦用心。 爸爸,对不起,我爱你。

Kuroko Basketball

Haha, kuroko no basketball is a nice anime. I hope you all train as hard as the seirin basketball team. Through hardwork, kuroko learnt new technique and kagami can use his talent nicely.


“有一份爱,从天而来,比山高,比还深……测不透,摸不着,却看得见……因为有你,因为有我,甘心给,用心爱……”,这首歌 ,〈 活出爱〉渐渐的显现出我们人类会因为某一个人,某个原因而献出我们的爱。可也因为这一份爱,它给我们带来了许多的幸福与痛苦。我们无法脱离这残酷与悲惨的事实。在这世界上有很多种爱,可是你又能了解多少种爱呢?我不清楚爱的意义是谁定的,当初他又如何看清爱的意义,又是谁造出“爱”这个字的笔画及结构。自从有了这一份爱,这世界就被填上色彩,使平庸,无聊,平常的世界多姿多彩。可是在充满色彩的世界同时,丑恶的事情也因为爱一件件的发生。 就是因为爱,人与人之间就会互相的迁就,忍让,包容,原谅,关心和照顾。这就让我回忆起有一位小女孩,她从小就患上小儿麻痹症而导致她的双腿收缩无法行走。每一天她只能窝在房里看着窗外的小孩玩耍,一直到她十四岁。在这十四年里,她曾想放弃她的家人,放弃这世界,可是因为家人的爱,因为她自己内心深爱着这美丽的世界,让她从不放弃自己的生命,勇敢的活下去。后来她长大成人时就嫁给一个盲人,还为他生下一个儿子。她丈夫每天都外出工作赚钱养家,她就在家里照顾儿子。每次她帮助她儿子洗澡时都非常小心又紧紧地抓住儿子因为她害怕儿子会因行动不便的她掉进水里溺毙。在她儿子刚学会走路时,她每次都趴在她儿子的前面,慢慢地一步又一步地带着她孩子,还常常告诉她儿子说:“宝贝,不要怕,跌倒了也不疼,有妈妈在前面给你当肉垫。”在她儿子生病时,她也没因为行动不便而阻碍她儿子受到治疗。她坐上她的轮椅,将生病的儿子放躺在她的大腿上,利用双手推着轮椅的轮子到附近的诊疗所去。一路上,车来车往却丝毫没有影响到她,就算手已起泡,破皮流血,她仍然坚持将生病的儿子送到诊疗所。当她到达诊疗所时,行动不便的她只能背着儿子拼命地爬着一层又一层的楼梯,按下紧急铃好让护士来带她的儿子去治疗。因为她这份爱就培养出一个既孝顺又懂事的儿子。当她儿子上了小学以后,她每天都嘱咐儿子无论晴天或雨天都要记得带把雨伞去上学因为她不能够像其他父母亲一样到学校去带他回家。因为母亲对儿子的这份爱,她儿子从不计较或埋怨自己患有残疾的父母。无论她儿子在学校被人嘲笑,她儿子仍然对她与父亲充满尊敬与孝顺。就是因为爱,那位小女孩才能够勇敢地,积极地活下去,结婚后还生了一个既懂事又孝顺的儿子。 也是因为爱,人与人之间充满了怨恨...


每个人,不管是谁 到了某个年纪,我们自己就会知道自己是无法一个人过日子。一个人的日子真的很难熬,很难受。我们会渐渐在日常生活中开始尝受到孤单的味道,一个人吃饭、一个人睡觉、一个人看电视、一个人逛街、一个人的空间、一个人的想念。因为孤单脑海中经常会出现两个人幸福的画面,自身就会投入那画面,多么希望早日能遇到自己的另一伴。 自己一个人时常孤独,时间久了就会敲打着你的骄傲,让你放下自尊,面子,让自己去寻找一自己喜欢,能陪自己过一生的伴。就好像你自己过了某个路口你就会感觉到能彻夜陪你聊天的朋友越来越少,每一天都会被寂寞追着跑,周围都被孤独吞噬着。 自己厌倦了寂寞与孤单,就花很多时间与朋友们聊天和吃饭。可是这只是短暂的,是时候找个爱你的人托付终老。爱你的人又不容易找,能陪我走一程的人会有多少,愿意陪我走完一生的更是寥寥无几。我只想在平淡中体会爱的味道,这样的爱,我需要等多久呢?我等到的时候她愿意接受我吗?不擅长交谈的我,她喜欢吗? 幸福得来很不容易,稀有,难见的幸福才会让人更加珍惜,更加呵护这份爱。希望天下的人能够好好的寻找自己心中的 MR Right ,好好的一起过生活。

First week School Holiday

After having my exam, I came back to my hometown. It is a happy journey but I sick when i reached home the night I reached Sibu. I sick for four days and learn driving.I also tried every single ways to get myself feel better. Although durian is delicious, everyone please take note that to drink more water after eating durian if not you will sick. Sense of Christmas is around the Sibu's Shopping mall. Every shopping mall already decorated according to the Christmas theme. I hope that this year Christmas will be more fun and lively. At home i also did not waste my time on sleeping. I also tried to polish my papercraft skill. Just hope that my hand will be more nimble.I made jyarimon and yammask. Christmas is coming Jyarimon and yammask papercraft


I love canon this song so much that i really hope that i can play it myself with my new bought ukulele.


What i doing during late in night. I wanted to polish my drawing skill, so i go and search for the anime character and draw it based on the picture. Just hope that It wont be too ugly.

True Faith

True faith flowers from and through doubt. If you never questioned your beliefs, - you are just a puppet dancing to somebody's strings. Puppet If God had wanted your mindless obedience, you would've been created without mind and without free will. But you have both so you can come to God of your own accord. Just look at the lives of saints, - most of them had gone through a dark night of the soul, and that's why their faith was so strong. The path to true faith always goes through doubt. So ask those questions you've always been afraid to ask, and find the answers, and then your faith will become unshakable. Tsurugi Faith in Soccer


Edward Elric : "Life does not accompany by painful lesson then it is meaningless. Because people do not sacrifice something, they will never get anything they want. But if you overcome the pain, you will be tough and never give up to anything." That maybe is the rule of equivalent exchange.

Force X Peace

Not all anime teaches us violent or others bad things. Some of them also teaches us about the quotes like gundam movie which it teaches us that peaces cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.For those who love anime, please do not left your family alone, they also need your care. Please understand each others to prevent fight and misunderstanding. Gundam 00 Trans-an

Pray To The Moon Clown

After watching the japanese movie, "Pray To The Moon Clown" i very interested with the story book mentioned inside. I cant find the story about it but maybe i can tell you. This movie is about a love story of a man and a woman. 41-year-old Tamai Shizuru and grandmother live together with his mother, one day Tamai Shizuru wants to buy a "pray to the moon clown" from a website, through book's note, she and the book seller begin their love story. The storybook is like this. A clown has the ability to use the word to make nice poem. One day a swing prince asked the clown for help as he wanted to confess to a girl. Th clown used his ability to make nice poem and give to the prince. The prince was successfully in a relationship. So the clown was happy that his ability could help others people. Then, he continued using his ability to help others and give happiness to his surrounding people. One day, the clown him himself was in love with a girl. However, he could not u...