
目前显示的是 2014的博文


Actually what is the feel of friends? I really wonder and confuse. When people around you, they talk to each others and happy with chit chat and I the only who no people to talk with. When Singing the song BFF ( Best Friend Forever) the lyric mentioned " Only you yourself clearly knows the feeling of being alone", I wanna cry out loudly. Although there are some people around you, but you dun even know who is friends, who is strangers, and who is enemy. I just dunnoe is it necessarily have them around you? yes indeed there are some people who is care and help us when we sick or met with problems which we call friends but others? Are they just strangers? I really get confusing and lose myself this morning. I just hoping someone can help to solve my problem and waking me up from negative thought and hatred.  


I just realized that the anime yu gi oh had accompanied me whole my childhood and secondary time. I love it very much until i wanna collect a deck that is completely same with the main character. Dueling with my brother, rearranging my deck and others. Now these memory make me feel happy, free and cheerful than now. Now i already 20 ++ which everyday need to busy with homework, lectures, project and others activities to improve myself. Now watching back yu gi oh feeling like I have no burden. I feel Very happy. What about you?


Fairy tail, the favourite anime that accompany me from secondary school until now. When i read the latest manga, i feel so touched about the bond of friendship between Aquarius and Lucy. In order to save Lucy and other Fairy Tail member, Aquarius willing to sacrifice her zodiac key to open the Celestial Spirit King Gate. The power of the bond can win against anything. I hope that you all will like to read the manga Fairy Tail or watch the anime to enjoys the bond between Lucy with her celestial spirit and fairy tail members. TQ <3

Be happy

This week, I felt myself lost. I had no idea on where to find my heart back. I totally just like zombie, totally cold and no heart in doing anything. This maybe due to the words from my friends that hurts me a lot. I just wanna stay as clown where i can give you happiness when you are sad or having a lot of stress. Now i totally know that I have cause a lot of trouble and negative emotion in you. So I rather choose to leave you guys alone. Dun blame me that I have become totally stranger to you all as i just wanna wishing you all happy and cheerful without me. Just let me be the shadow, the clown that always wishing you people happy and bring a lot of fun to you all when you needed. So just let me be alone when you guys are happy and blessed. Wish  you all stay happy forever ! ~~ ^.^ ~~ !

Black Bullet

Har, preparing with assignment and my semester examination, i totally out of time to update my blog. Now is the time for me to update my blog. The first post is about the anime that I chasing now is Black Bullet! WOW, at first just thought it was a normal anime which fight against monster however in there also got some love that carried out by the author through main character. I like it. Hope you people <3 it also. XD Black Bullet


I hope i can be as strong as the Jinchūriki where i did not care about others people critic and stay strong to continue my own life where i just believe in myself and my family. I already cannot stay on believe my friend where i dunnoe what are they thinking and i felt i being abandon. I wish I could have the strong faith in my life.

心到底在哪里?想学乐器,想读书,想有个伴,想旅游,想花钱,想快乐,想伤心,想欢笑,想忧愁,不管想做什么,想要什么,可我却没有那个心去做,去得到。我的心到底在哪里?是否因为看过太多痛心的事还是我的心已死了,对伤痛麻木了?我到底应该怎么办? 现在吴克丽丽,借给别人;只留下音乐陪伴着我,一起心痛,一起伤心。那所发出的音律,犹如正在挣扎,痛苦,忍受身上的痛。我不能够做什么,只能默默在房里慢慢檫掉自己的泪与抚平自己的痛。我自己是一个人没有聊天的对象。我常常在要说话时却被人家说是自己很吵,或是被人家忽略。我只能说自己的存在感真的是有点低。若真的很低,我也希望他们真的是可以完全的没有发现我。那样子,我就不用出现在别人的眼里,默默承受着别人所给予的痛。 我只要有耶稣在我身旁陪着我直到一个可以照亮我内心,世界,生活的人出现与我一起走完人生。我很感激耶稣在我伤心,无助时都很给予我正能量,我很感谢耶稣愿意陪着我这个充满罪的人。一切荣耀都归给主。