What is GrowViews?

What is GrowViews? From the name, we can know that it is a platform where you can grow view for a channel. The most important thing is GrowViews is a free platform for you to grow view for your youtube channel. You can register your youtube channel at here or self type http://growviews.com . It can be used as a platform to promote your business like video marketing. You can upload a video about a business and use GrowViews to gain more viewer on your youtube channel. You dont have to pay for it but you can just watch video to get credit. The credit can be used on the video you want to promote to get free views on youtube. By doing so, you can grow youtube views after the credit have finished paying the pending view. From the picture above, you can see that the GrowViews platform have connected to the youtube channel and do show an analytic on views on your youtube channel ( either views from youtube and view from GrowViews). Above right hand side, available c...