
目前显示的是 2017的博文

What is GrowViews?

What is GrowViews? From the name, we can know that it is a platform where you can grow view for a channel. The most important thing is GrowViews is a free platform for you to grow view for your youtube channel. You can register your youtube channel at here  or self type  http://growviews.com .  It can be used as a platform to promote your business like video marketing. You can upload a video about a business and use GrowViews to gain more viewer on your youtube channel. You dont have to pay for it but you can just watch video to get credit. The credit can be used on the video you want to promote to get free views on youtube. By doing so, you can grow youtube views after the credit have finished paying the pending view. From the picture above, you can see that the GrowViews platform have connected to the youtube channel and do show an analytic on views on your youtube channel ( either views from youtube and view from GrowViews). Above right hand side, available c...


玻璃栈道刺激而有危险(玻璃裂开)?! 现在大家都很喜欢寻求刺激来放松以及解压。为了抓住大家爱挑战以及寻找刺激的心理,就开始有了玻璃栈道。 早些年就在中国将玻璃栈道设为其中一个旅游景点,供游客享受以及挑战。 1. 张家界天门山玻璃栈道 2.  河北“小黄山”白石山 3.  “辽东第一山”凤凰山 以及其他旅游景点如: 4. 道教名山三清山 5. 平江石牛寨 6. 万山国家公园 7. 冒“仙气儿”的云台山 8. 重庆有座“小华山” 9. 天云山:“北方的张家界” 10. 千里大别山,美景在罗田 那么在大马也有一些玻璃栈道的旅游景点,例如: - 马来西亚吉隆坡双子塔空中走廊 - 槟城彩虹空中玻璃步道            那么到底玻璃栈道会不会因为人为,气候的温差以及尖锐物品而导致它碎裂呢?接下来的影片将为你揭晓答案!

Dont throw away ur Old SmartPhone! 8 ways to reuse it.

As time goes on, more and more smartphone is being created and introduce to people. Surely we have some old smartphone that is fell into disuse and being kept in drawer. Then how are we going to do with the old smartphone? If we think creatively, the old smartphones can be used in daily life, which can be considered turning waste into treasure. 1. Car Navigation Systems. If you have any smartphone that have 3.5 inch screen, and have GPS function, you can bought a phone handle and prepare power source for the old smartphones to become a Car Navigators. There are many free navigators app like Waze and Google Maps. 2. Driving recorder. Some driving recorder apps can be installed into the smartphones so that the phone can record whole scene when you are driving. If any accident occur, you can use it as a prove to prevent from being wronged. 3. Family Monitor 4. Universal Remote Control 5. File Scanner Cam Scanner, or Doc Scan can be installed in your old smartphones....




你的血管还好吗,堵了吗?自己摸摸这里就能知道!内附冲洗血栓法 其实,这种运动后的下肢疼痛、麻木,很有可能是下肢血管病。 血管堵塞的原因 随着年龄的增长和饮食问题,血管壁会日积月累造成内膜加厚,形成斑块。如果斑块形成于血管分支处,血液不能顺利通过,容易发生闭塞。后果往往是很严重的! 教你在家就能测试血管是否堵塞 首先,腿脚怕冷,足脉搏弱的人注意。脚离心脏最远,如果血管出现问题,脚优先出现症状。这时候脚容易出现疲惫感而且怕冷。此时要摸一下脚背上脉搏,然后跟没有疲惫时候的脉搏做对比,如果疲惫时脉搏减弱,说明血管有堵塞的地方。 其次,如果堵塞加重会出现间歇跛行。如果自己或是身边的朋友经常出现走几百米就感觉腿酸且休息一会可以缓解的话,这就是典型的动脉血管堵塞的病症。 如果发生急性血栓堵塞,腿会突然剧烈疼痛,这时候一般是血栓脱落造成的,此时的血栓一旦在心脏处发生堵塞,就会造成心肌梗塞,非死即残! 一个动作告别血栓 血管堵塞是因为血液流速太慢,我们需要通过控制饮食来控制血液的粘稠度,并且通过外在的运动来加速血液循环,预防斑块和血管瘀阻! 平时没事做一个运动——踮脚!这个动作可以通过有规律的肌肉收缩刺激血管的挤压和舒张,长此以往下肢血管就会被血液加速冲刷。 方法:光脚站着瑜伽垫上,然后慢慢踮起脚尖,保持三到五秒,然后慢慢落下。每天反复练习约五分钟即可。 进阶方法:如果身体素质好,还可以采用原地小跑的方法,这样运动强度更大,效果更好。不管用哪种方式,最重要的是要坚持,三分钟热度是达不到效果的! 血栓自检和消除的方法是不是很简单,做个行动派,现在开始练起来。预防疾病,增强身体素质何乐而不为呢? 取自于:http://www.toutiao.com/a6420662749919658242/